World Without Oil
is an Independent Lens
Web-exclusive presentation
of an Electric Shadows project
presented by ITVS Interactive
and funded by the Corporation
for Public Broadcasting. Produced
by Writerguy.
The Team at WorldWithoutOil.Org
Ken Eklund - Game Designer, Creative Director and Producer
Jane McGonigal - Participation Architect
- Webmaster
Dee Cook - Community Liaison
- Community Liaison
- Community Liaison
Krystyn Wells - Community Liaison
Erik Wohlgemuth - Outreach Manager
Sarah Rainwater - Graphic Designer
Cait Zorn - Podcaster
Corrina McFarlane - Podcaster
Bonnie Primbsch - Podcaster, Audio Liaison
Sandra Stewart - Audio Liaison
Nellie Rainwater - Audio Liaison
Kiyash Monsef - Videographer
Anna Matter - by Cait Zorn
Bodi Lane - by Corrina McFarlane
Chuckles - by Dee Cook
Dessum9 - by Ken Eklund
Gala_Teah - by Ken Eklund
Gracesmom - by Marie Lamb
Illiana_Speedster - by Michelle Senderhauf
Inky_Jewel - by Ken Eklund
LocalBoy - by Erik Wohlgemuth
mPathytest - by Jane McGonigal
Pachinko - by Krystyn Wells
Rainey Wilson - by Bonnie Primbsch
Saint3milion - by Jane McGonigal
YuckyMuck - by Mark Bracewell
Kiyash Monsef - Writer/Producer/Director
Kal - Ramiz Monsef
Chris - Michael Phillis
Bike Thieves - Reis Hood, Ivan Piesh
Fire effects - Todd Horrisberger
As themselves (without oil):
Nilgun Bayraktar
Shomi Bottle
Mike Fletcher
Ron Gubbins
Kurt Grutzmacher
Jessica Holt
Roisin Isner
Adrian McEvilly
Mike Monsef
Paula Monsef
Heidi Petty
Markus Roskothen
Mary Shean
Jody Sollazzo
Soibhan Willing
Videography by Gergana Miteva and Alex Guerrero
Scripts by Ken Eklund
Video editing by Jonty Collyer
Nico - Alex Guerrero
everySunday - Gergana Miteva
mPathytest (voice) - Michelle McHenry
Video by Dee Cook
Videos by Michelle Senderhauf and Jim Senderhauf
Voice of Illiana_Speedster - Jim Senderhauf
jootbooner - Jim Senderhauf
Accordion Player - Wayne Kranz
That Guy - Jeff Kranz
Tony - Tony Kowalski
Video by Ken Eklund
Featuring members of the Live Earth Farm CSA
Video by Marie Lamb
Sharon - Michelle Erickson
Grace - T?a F.
Video by Ken Eklund
Urban Cyclist - Felipe Buitrago
Images by Krystyn Wells
WWO Lesson Plans
Dan McDowell
Ken Eklund
Reviewer: Cari Ladd
WorldWithoutOil Thanks
Alex Guerrero
Gergana Miteva
Debbie Palmer
Jim Senderhauf
Live Earth Farm
Jim Babb
Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition
Michelle McHenry
Felipe Buitrago
Mike Monsef
Ivan Piesh
Morgan Schmidt-Feng
Hessel & Bethany
Sundar & Mallika
The students in DT-220 at San Francisco Art Institute
Above All
The team at WWO thanks our players, who were consistently awe-inspiring, thought-provoking, tear-inducing, and generally amazing in every way. World Without Oil was and is their accomplishment.
The Team at ITVS Interactive
Cathy R. Fischer - Senior Producer
Jen Kaczor - Producer
Rod Minott - Production Dept. Liaison
Voleine Amilcar - Publicist
Tim Etheridge - Publicist
Imad Salloum - Marketing Assistant
Electric Shadows Planning Team
Sally Jo Fifer - President, CEO
Judy Tam - Senior Vice President and CFO
Claire Aguilar - Vice President of Programming
Jim Sommers - Vice President of Communications